NA Literature & Publications
NA White Booklet
Narcotics Anonymous Little White Book – 84 Pages Known as NA’s first piece of Literature
Basic Text 6th Edition
NA’s primary book of recovery containing “Our Program” explaining the NA Fellowship and “Our Members Share” that includes personal stories from members worldwide
It Works: How and Why
The HOW and WHY our recovery program works are found in this collective wisdom of our members in 24 essays on NA’s Steps and Traditions.
The Narcotics Anonymous Step Working Guides
Essays and questions meant to enhance the individual’s understanding of each of the Twelve Steps
An Introductory Guide to NA
This pocket-sized softcover book contains the Basic Text’s chapter on the Twelve Steps and ten informational pamphlets designed for newcomers.
Just for Today Daily Meditation Book
Offers a daily recovery principle, topic, NA literature quote, and closing affirmation
Living Clean – The Journey Continues
Living Clean is about finding a new way to live; the practice of recovery in our daily lives.
Basic Text audio files
Audio versions of the Basic Text, Narcotics Anonymous, in streaming and downloadable formats. NAWS is making these audio versions of the text available here at no cost on an experimental basis. Great for listening in the car or for individuals who have trouble reading or have eyesight problems.
Information Pamphlets

IP #1 Who, What, How, and Why
IP #2 The Group
IP #5 Another Look
IP #6 Recovery & Relapse
IP #7 Am I an Addict?
IP #8 Just for Today
IP #9 Living the Program
IP #11 Sponsorship
IP #12 The Triangle of Self-Obsession
IP #13 By Young Addicts…
IP #14 One Addict’s Experience…
IP #15 PI and the NA Member
IP #16, For the Newcomer
IP #17 For Those in Treatment
IP #19 Self-Acceptance
IP #20 H&I Service & the NA Member
IP #21 The Loner: Staying Clean in Isolation
IP #22 Welcome to NA
IP #23 Staying Clean on the Outside
IP #24 Money Matters: Self-Support in NA
IP #26 Accessibility for Those with Additional Needs
IP #27 For the Parents…
IP #28 Funding NA Services
Click the images above to visit and read the
NA Way Magazine or the NAWS News
Meetings Every Day of the Week!
The meeting list page of the Passaic Area website lists all of the meetings happening every week in our area as well as links out to meetings statewide and even worldwide!