PCASC Literature Subcommittee
The Literature subcommittee’s purpose is to maintain an adequate supply of Narcotics Anonymous Fellowship Approved Literature to meet the needs of the Local Area Groups, H&I, PI, or any individual. The Passaic County Area Service Subcommittee of Literature was created by the PCASC for the purpose of Narcotics Anonymous Fellowship-Approved Literature is a tool available to our NA Groups that assist in fulfilling their primary purpose of carrying the message to the addict who still suffers. Our literature is available to anyone, addict or non-addict, or for those who wish to purchase it, however, the Group level is our main distribution point for NA literature.
Contact [email protected] for more information.
Use the link below to download the latest literature order smart form:
Literature Order Form
(revised October 2024)
Click here for a copy of Literature Policy (Rev 2-12-2012)

Click Here for complete NA Literature Product Catalog and Information
Special Requests require advanced notice.