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PCASC Website Subcommittee

Website Subcommittee

Passaic County Area Service Committee Website Subcommittee

Our objective is to carry out our primary purpose in accordance with the Fifth Tradition: “To carry the message to the addict who still suffers.” We do so in accordance with our 11th Tradition: “Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.” We do this by making information available to addicts and the public in a manner that is clear and objective.

The Passaic County Area Service Committee Website Subcommittee is a standing subcommittee of the Passaic County Area Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous (PCASCNA) which is part of the Northern New Jersey Region of Narcotics Anonymous which works in tandem with the New Jersey Region of Narcotics Anonymous and together are a part of Narcotics Anonymous World Service.

The PCASCWS is composed of an elected officer (the Website Subcommittee Chairperson) and NA members who have the desire and willingness to be of service consistent with the Twelve Traditions of NA, Twelve Concepts of Service of NA, and the guidelines set forth in the PCASC Website Subcommittee written policy (see link below to the most recent revision of the Website Policy).

There are four purposes of the PCAWC in regards to its efforts on the World Wide Web:

  1. To provide information about NA to addicts who still suffer.
  2. To provide information about NA meetings, subcommittee meetings, service meetings, events, and activities that are within and a part of the Passaic County Area Service Committee.
  3. To provide services to the PCASCNA in order to foster and maintain a greater sense of community for the PCASC (these services to be determined by the committee members).
  4. To reach professionals who are exposed to addicts and who are in need of information about what we do and how we serve our area.

The PCAWC (Passaic County Area Website Subcommittee)

meets virtually on Zoom on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 873 1293 8348
Passcode: 777123

For more information contact [email protected]